Organizer:Heep Hong Society
Details: Heep Hong Society is looking for 4 volunteers (20+ and fluent in Cantonese) to act as mentors for autistic youths. The project (known as ‘友伴展關懷’) will kick start in Aug12 and end by Dec12 (see the project in Chinese at
The volunteers are required to:
– Attend an orientation program (~2.5 hours) in Aug12 (date to be confirmed)
– Participate in two gatherings (~3 hours or day camp if possible) in Aug12 and Dec12 tentatively
– Call his/her mentee on a regular basis (minimum 3 times).
The mentor is also encouraged to meet with his/her mentee at Heep Hong’s centre in Tai Kok Tsui from time to time (note: the centre opens from 9 AM to 6 PM on Tue, Wed and Thu, and 9 AM to 7:30 PM on Fri and Sat).
If you want to participate in this meaningful project, please contact Heep Hong’s Peter Lam ( or Bonnie To ( at 2777 5588.
Background: Autistic Youths tend to face more obstacles than others on job searching. The project (known as ‘友伴展關懷’) aims to assist Autistic Youths on career development. Volunteers play an important role in the promotion of social inclusion. Through providing volunteer services, our activities will be achieved successfully and more importantly, the public can understand and know more about children with special needs.
Duration : July – Dec 2012
Region:Hong Kong
Source: Heep Hong Society’s website