Organization: NICE (Never-ending International workCamps Exchange)
Details: Ikata is famous for its main industry of oranges farming, but has been facing depopulation, lack of workers and ageing society since most of young people leave the town. So, the number of abandoned orange farms is increasing and the town is losing its tradition, life, custom and scenery. People work together to animate the town and revive the farms. We will help orange farming (Harvesting, taking care of trees, etc), support local youth club (Taking care of elderly people etc) and create new activities to animate the town.
Background: Organized together with Kikuya Community Group (KCG), formed by the local young people to think of the future of their small village.
Duration: 13/04-08/07/2012; 08/06-02/09/2012; 06/07-30/09/2012; 31/08-25/11/2012; 28/09-21/12/2012; 23/11/2012-18/02/2013; 11/01-07/04/2013; 22/02-19/05/2013
Website: Click Here
Nature: Workcamp
Region: Asia/International
Source of Information: Website of NICE