Organization: Vision First
Vision First is committed to providing the best possible support for Hong Kong-based refugees. This is achieved by operating as a nexus between our resource-rich community and the most isolated and vulnerable people living here. Vision first supports 400 refugee members irrespective of religion, race, nationality, social group or political opinion. The grassroots, volunteer-operated NGO provides financial assistance, food, long-term and emergency shelter, clothing, medical consultations, psychological counselling, dental checks, optical and childcare to people who would otherwise go without. Aside from these basic needs, Vision First builds capacity within the refugee services network, raises public awareness at public events and advocates for the rights of refugee members in hospitals, in detention, and through public forums such as Hong Kong University. Additional services include personal and professional development opportunities for refugees such as art and language classes and sport and leisure activities that help to alleviate the psychosomatic ailments that plague this population.
Year of Establishment: 2009
• Advocate for the rights of refugees
• Provide access to medical and dental care
• Provide safe and clean emergency and long term shelter
• Provide quality personal and professional development services
• Foster an open network between all refugee service providers in Hong Kong
• Raise awareness of the local refugee situation among the Hong Kong community to promote an inclusive society
• Provide financial assistance to cover basic expenses
Region: Hong Kong
Source: Vision First
(Source of Charity Ratings: iDonate