河內後花園 – 融合日式環保建築的 U Café Hội An

河內後花園  – 融合日式環保建築的 U Café Hội An

來自日本川崎市的臼田玲子9年前搬來越南會安,成立U Café Hội An,它不單是一間Cafe,更是一家主張環保與幫助弱勢婦女的社企。

U Cafe 創辦人 臼田玲子

在越南工作多年的臼田玲子發現當地河水污染問題嚴重,故希望將日本科技與環境保護意念引入越南。她不但邀請日本建築師為CAFE度身設計一套生物過濾系統(Biofiltration),利用水中產生的益菌分解污水中的廢物,水經過過濾再由屋內三層池塘排出河流。後園設又堆肥區,回收廚房的垃圾與廚餘,一個月後可放回泥土裏; 更與當地大學生和教授合作,定期監察河流及水井水質,透過監察與數據搜集,與民間團體合作撿走河道垃圾,為當地的水質污染問題出一分力。

她表示: 「在這裏我有兩項工作,希望幫助弱勢婦女。第一是聘請因家境貧困而未受教育的女士,讓她們有機會在這裏學習及工作賺錢。第二是支持懂得織布的少數民族婦女,她們的作品富藝術感,非常美,我希望介紹給日本人。」開業9年的U Cafe現已成為一個平台,讓不同界別的人開辦工作坊或講座,聚集各方的有心人,一同為社區出一分力。

資料來源及圖片: UCAFE  (只提供英文版)

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Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

U Cafe – An eco-social project in Hội An

U Cafe – An eco-social project in Hội An

Ứ Café Hội An is founded by Japanese Ms. Usuda Reiko on principles of social and ecological sustainability, serving food and drinks of Vietnamese and Japanese fusion.

Ms. Usuda Reiko, Founder of U Cafe

Located by the River Hoai, in Thanh Nam, Cam Chau, Hoi An, this cafe’s equipped with its own eco-biological sewer system and we run regular water quality checks to minimise the impact on the river. All ingredients used are sourced mostly from local markets, farmers of the organic vegetable village Tra Que and a family of organic coffee farmers in Dak Lak.

Source of information & Photo Credit: U Cafe Hoian

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.