Go.Asia (http://www.go.asia/) initiated the “Food Concern Months” in Hong Kong and is bringing the Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution in May as well as the United Nation’s Environment Day Think.Eat.Save Reduce your Foodprint program in June.

Food Revolution: Founded by Jamie Oliver and had inspired millions around the world to pass on their knowledge and highlight the world’s food issues.
Details: http://frd.asia/

United Nation’s Environment Day: Think.Eat.Save. Reduce your Foodprint Campaign aims to encourage individuals to treasure food resources.
Details: http://www.thinkeatsave.org/


Your Participation

Think. Eat. Save – Be a “No Leftover” Citizen!

Join us to save our food resources. Make the Right Food Choice & Say No to Leftovers!

Participation Method:

1. . Take a medium shot picture holding our “Think. Eat. Save” handbill (download here & print or use your tablet to display) or simply key our visual to any of your existing photo

2. Upload the photo to Go.Asia Facebook page (Facebook Search: godotasia and “LIKE” the Go.Asia fan page), or to other social media platform, for example Twitter or Instagram.

3. Type ‘ @frd.asia, @godotasia, #godotasia’ if you are using Twitter or Instagram. You may also email your photo to: info@go.asia.

4. Share your photo to your own facebook page or other social media page and help spreading the word!

Local Partners: Greeners Action’s No Leftover campaign, Cheung Chau’s Food Recycle Land project, Food Grace’s Food Recycling Scheme, Feeding Hong Kong, Food Angel, St. James’Settlement People’s Food Bank and more.


Photo Sample: 


or more here