Organization: Triam School Foundation
Detail: Drowning is the leading cause of death in children aged one year and over in Thailand, causing nearly 2,650 deaths every year. Drowning caused almost half (46 per cent) of all child deaths in the 1-4 age group. On top of these figures, some 3,000 children nearly drown every year. Most drowning occurs in rural areas, during the day, when mothers are busy with housework or other chores and the unsupervised child unexpectedly wanders away. More than half (56 per cent) of all drowning deaths occur within 100 meters of the child’s home. Reducing child drowning requires developing ways to increase close adult supervision as well as reducing access to drowning hazards close to home. This could be by using play pens or door barriers for very young children, and fences or other barriers around water bodies for older, more adventurous children. These measures need to be in conjunction with close supervision and swimming lessons.
Phase 1 – The project is a long term ongoing initiative, with our initial (received -via the Bangkok Charity Orchestra concert) funding of 250,000 Thai Baht we will construct safe housing for the pool consisting of a roof structure, concrete base and safety fencing. Work started as of 11th October 2013
Phase 2 – We need to get sufficient funding to purchase a portable 12x6m portable swimming pool at a cost of around 150,000 Thai Baht, this cost includes pumps, filters and delivery.
Phase 3 – (Education and outreach).
Our aim is to promote the issue of water safety in Thailand to help take on the drowning figures, so we need help and funding for training our teachers and also help with creating open water safety days – where children from other schools can benefit from survival swimming lessons in our area. We will also need help and funding with swimming aids and information leaflets in Thai in the future, and help to promote our project to give wider knowledge to this problem.
We need regular funding for this phase which will be used for education and teacher training. We also need help and input to produce a public information film – duration 2-3 minutes – which will give information on the problem of drowning in Thailand + volunteer to teach Swim safety and English
Duration: up to 3 months
Application : Click Here / email at
Nature: Fund Raising + Hands On
Region: Thailand
Source of Information: Triam School Foundation ( Facebook )