Co-founded by the three sisters (Vanessa Paranjothy, Joanne Paranjothy and Rebecca Paranjothy) from Singapore in 2015, Freedom Cups deals with the distribution of menstrual cups which are made with medical-grade silicone and can be likened to a reusable tampon. It aims to promote for women across the globe especially in underprivileged communities.
According to Vanessa Paranjothy, one of the founders of Freedom Cups, the cups are ideal for women in areas with no toilets, electricity or running water, as well as reducing waste that alternatives like tampons and pads can create. Each cup lasts up to 15 years and replaces about 5,000 disposable sanitary products, making it a more economical and eco-friendly option. In 2017, the three sisters were named in the Forbes Magazine List of the THE 30 UNDER 30 ASIA: PIONEER WOMEN leading the change in Asia.
The Social Impact on Women and the Environment
This feminine hygiene company operating a “buy one, give one” model that provides women in underprivileged communities with menstrual cups. For every cup purchased, we donate one to a woman in a rural community who cannot afford sanitary periods.
Source of Information: Freedom Cups ; Forbes
Photo Credit: Freedom Cups
新加坡社企推廣環保月經杯 解放亞洲女孩
來自新加坡的本土品牌Freedom Cup,由三姐妹 (Vanessa Paranjothy, Joanne Paranjothy and Rebecca Paranjothy)於2015年創立,她們利用醫療用的矽膠生產月經杯,無論尺寸、大小款式均相對遷就亞洲女性。好處是可重覆使用又易清洗。以平均每個月經杯能使用15年計,每多一位女性改用Freedom Cups,就能減少浪費約5000塊即棄衛生巾,可謂既化算又環保。
創辦人之一Vanessa Paranjothy 表示,月經杯特別適合於「三無」偏遠地區(如無電、無水、無洗手間) 生活的女性使用。不過,礙於宗教或文化原因,亞洲區很多國家對使用月經杯的接受程度遠比西方國家低。加上部分地區生活條件不佳,女性地位較低,平日根本花不起購買衛生用品。 因此,Freedom Cups設團隊更會定期到訪亞洲區各國貧困地區(如菲律賓、尼泊爾、印度等),為當地女性進行衛生及性教育,讓她們更了解及接受自己的身體。
體現社會責任 「買一送一」 解放亞洲女孩
同時,作為新加坡其中一個知名社企,Freedom Cups 承諾每出售一個月經杯,便會捐出一個予第三世界國家的女孩,讓她們有尊嚴地面對她們的經期。2017年,三位女孩更入圍福布斯亞洲版「30位30歲以下創業者」(THE 30 UNDER 30 ASIA)之一,表揚她們為亞洲帶來改變的先導女性(PIONEER WOMEN leading the change in Asia)。
資料來源: Freedom Cups ; Forbes
圖片: Freedom Cups