Shelley Lee, GBS, JP, former Principal Official of HKSAR Government. Lee joined the Administrative Service of the Hong Kong Government in 1971. Lee firstly joined the government as Executive Officer in 1971 and later she has been appointed as Administrative Officer. In 2004, Lee rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade A1. Before her retirement, she has served in various bureaux and departments, such as Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Food and Health Bureau, Home Affairs Department, etc. She was the former Office of Unofficial Members of Executive and Legislative Councils, Director of Home Affairs and Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs.

Initiated by Lee and a group of civil servants, the We Care Education Fund was set up in 2003 during the SARS period, to show concern for these Atypical Pneumonia (AP) affected children by providing them with a steady source of financial assistance as they grow up. Upon retirement, Lee has devoted her time to assist numerous charities on fund raising activities, including Community Chest, Lifeline Express, etc.

Causes Supported:
Children & Youth, Elderly, Emergency Relief, Environment & Conservation, Health & Medicine, Poverty, Education, Women

Source of Information:
Civil Service Bureau
East Week
Hong Kong Wen Wui Po Ltd.
Chinese Time

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