- 吃飽了,還剩下什麼? 廚餘輪迴記 | Ming Pao Weekly # 2165 cover story (Chinese only)
- 臺灣廚餘回收有成 鄰國取經 | Food recycling practice in Taiwan (Chinese only)
- Foodshare | with articles talk about food waste and food recycling in Hong Kong (Chinese only)
- 陳曉蕾.有米正菜 | HK Independent Reporter, author, blogger Leila Chan Hiu Lui who talks about low carbon living, green life and food waste matters (Chinese only)
- Ashden | Sustainable solutions
- Friends of Earth(HK)
- Greeners Action
- Food Waste Recycling Partnership Scheme
- Cutting Food Waste At Source Campaign
- love food hate waste | UK blog talks about food waste (english only)
- Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department
- Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal by Tristram Stuart (2009)
- The Poverty Line | Art project to understand poverty within a country’s context.
Reading List:Food Waste