Make It Right

Make It Right

Organization: Make It Right
Founded by actor Brad Pitt, Make It Right builds healthy, affordable homes for communities in need. Make It Right builds well-designed homes that are safe and healthy for the homeowner and the environment. Make It Right began in 2007 by building homes for families in New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward, who lost everything in Hurricane Katrina. Today Make It Right is working in New Orleans, Newark and Kansas City. The goal is to help make green homes affordable for working families across US.
Year of Establishment:  2007
Leading Campaigns:
Rebuild for New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward;
Building green homes affordable for working families
Building green, affordable, high-quality design homes for working families across US
Region: US
Source: Make It Right, Official Youtube page

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Make It Right

Make It Right

機構名稱:Make It Right

Make It Right 由演員畢比特 (Brad Pitt) 創立,為有需要人士提供健康、可負擔的住屋。Make It Right 興建優質設計的家居,為屋主及環境帶來安全及健康。Make It Right最初成立於2007年為新奧爾良第九區低地受颶風卡特里娜吹襲的災民重建家園。時至今日,Make It Right除了在新奧爾良,還在紐阿克、堪薩斯城展開工程。目標是要幫助美國境內的工人階層提供環保及可負擔的房屋。
資料來源Make It RightYoutube 官方

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.