Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga is a renowned American pop singer. She is also a songwriter, record producer, activist, fashion designer, and philanthropist. She has consecutively appeared on Billboard magazine’s Artists of the Year, she is regularly placed on lists composed by Forbes magazine and was named one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine.  Gaga was also named the “Queen of Pop” by Rolling Stone .

Gaga has a sold-out world tour and best-selling record worldwide, however, fame hasn’t made her a monster. Besides her musical career, she involves herself with humanitarian causes and LGBT activism. With a $1.2 million personal donation, in 2012, Gaga started her Born This Way Foundation, which combats bullying and promotes acceptance of the LGBT community. And, in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, the she pledged $1 million to relief efforts.

She starred in the movie “A Star is Born” and she said that she took this project as the film’s portrayal of addiction and depression to spread her love and concern about those suffered from the illness.  According to an interview from Entertainment, she said, “That they (addiction and depression) are real and that it’s an invisible illness to many people. I’m so grateful to have been a part of this film, you know, for that reason, and Bradley’s choice to do it in the way that he did it in the film, I feel that it paints a very, very compassionate lens.”

Causes Supported:
Children & Youth, Poverty, Human Rights, Emergency Reliefs

Source of Information:
Do Something


Photo Credit:
Lady Gaga Official Facebook

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Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga

來自美國並擁有意大利血統的 Lady Gaga 是全球知名流行歌手、唱作人、監製及演員。入行前曾擔任音樂作曲人,自2008年推出首張唱片以來,歌曲多次榮登Billboard 流行榜首位,曾包攬全球多個音樂大獎,更是2010來首位擁有連續五張冠軍專輯的女歌手,曾獲Forbes及 時代雜誌選為「年度最具影響力人物」之一。2017年她在美國超級盃的中場演出更創下電視及網絡平台2.68億的收看紀錄 。近年,她唱而優則演,最新電影作品《A Star is Born》更被指有力挑戰奧斯卡電影獎項。

在透過音樂宣揚理念之餘,Lady Gaga 一直勇於為弱勢社群發聲,當中特別關心人道主義及LGBT 社群。2010年,她個人捐出120萬美元成立Born This Way Foundation,以打擊社會欺凌及推廣同志平權工作。 她亦不時參與賑災籌款演出,如在 暴風Sandy 襲美後,捐出100萬協助救災。作為天主教徒,她深信愛與和平無分國界與宗教,早年曾與達賴𡃤嘛會面,交流分享有關世界和平的理念。她在訪問中表示,參與電影《A Star is Born》的其中一個原因,是因為認同電影探討有關酗酒、濫藥 及抑鬱症等問題,希望藉作品對有關注及受影響人士宣揚更多愛與關懷。


Do Something 


Lady Gaga Official Facebook

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.