Ladies Art: Ameenah Begum transforms expired cosmetics to sustainable colourpaints

Ladies Art: Ameenah Begum transforms expired cosmetics to sustainable colourpaints

Ladies made up with cosmetic products for confidence in different occasions while beauty trends changes seasons by seasons. However,  as a fast consuming product, make-up accounted for 18.2 percent of global cosmetic market. However, more than 120 billion units of waste & packaging per year are produced by the global cosmetics industry. Ameenah Begum, a 23-year old product design student from University of Sussex, England has developed a method to transform recycled cosmetic palettes into sustainable watercolour paints, which provides a sustainable alternative for cosmetic retailers which are currently sending damaged or unused products to landfill.

Ameenah develops upcycled watercolour paint with a cosmic shimmer, made from waste cosmetics in a travel friendly box designed and tested with artists.

Ameenah Begum said, “The scale of the beauty industry worldwide and the continuing speed of its growth in the near future means there is a real need to make its products more sustainable and reduce their waste footprint. One Brighton store told me they fill up a refuse bag of unsold colour cosmetics every three months and that is just one store in one city. I hope artists will love adding Cos Watercolours to their palette while knowing they are doing their bit for the planet and that beauty companies will see the huge benefits of reducing the amount of materials they send to landfill, whilst also potentially making money from a circular economy model.” (Source: Europawire)

As a result, she developed Cos Watercolors, a series of watercolors of powder, eye shadow and creams. As a graduate this year, she is ready to start her own label Ameenah by design (still under construction) and collaborates with artists currently. Look forward to much more of your shimmer collection to come!

Recycled makeup

This student is transforming recycled makeup, which would otherwise end up in a landfill, into watercolor paints.

Posted by Mashable on Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Source of Information: Mashable / Europawire

PhotoCredit: University of Sussex / Ameenahbydesign

You may also be interested : 10 Zero Waste Makeup Brands

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Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Ameenah Begum 妙用過期彩妝品 創製環保水彩繪新姿

Ameenah Begum 妙用過期彩妝品 創製環保水彩繪新姿

所謂「女為悅己者容」,化妝品對大部分女仕如衣服一樣,隨著不同季節或場合使用彩妝粉飾裝容,確為她們增添自信與光采。美容潮流變化萬千,作為全球最受歡迎的快速消費類別,化妝品佔全球化妝品市場的18.2%。然而全球化妝品行業每年生產超過1200億件包裝/廢料。在整個行業彌漫著一片「減廢」熱期間,來自英國University of Sussex 產品設計系學生 Ameenah Begum, 研發出一種將女任彩妝用品回收並轉化成水彩顏料Cos Watercolors,可算為化妝品零售商提供一種可持續的替代方案,阻止化妝品零售商將大量損壞或未使用產品送往垃圾堆填區。為過期化妝品在畫紙上延續色彩。

Ameenah 研發以回收的光影化妝品製作成水彩顏料,以便攜式包裝設計,目前與不少當地藝術家合作及進行效果測試。

Ameenah Begum 表示: 「全球美容業增長速度之快,意味著業界需正視要其產品的可持續發展,務求減少浪費。我希望藝術家們會考慮或喜歡 選用Cos Watercolors 作為調色工具,同時讓他們感受到自己在藝術創作期間,也為地球減廢出一分力。另一方面,讓化妝品牌明白此方案確能減少堆填區壓力,同時讓我們 ( Cos Watercolors )這類再生設計產品能在循環經濟下找到適合的商業模式運作。 」 (來源: Europawire)

剛於今年畢業的Ameenah 的創業作 Cos Watercolors 系列暫時包活有 以碎粉、眼影和日/晚霜製作的水彩。她正密鑼緊鼓開展其個人品牌 Ameenah by design (網站建設中),目前正與當地藝術家合作進行效果測試及宣傳,期待她更多的光影水彩系列 !

Recycled makeup

This student is transforming recycled makeup, which would otherwise end up in a landfill, into watercolor paints.

Posted by Mashable on Wednesday, June 20, 2018

資料來源: Mashable / Europawire

圖片: University of Sussex / Ameenahbydesign

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.