John Legend

John Legend

 US singer-song-writer John Legend’s name became internationally recognized with the Billboard Hot 100 number one single “All of Me” in 2013. He had won the Academy Award, Grammy Award, Golden Globe Award and Tony Award up to today. 

Legend is dedicated to alleviate the problem of poverty in less developed countries since he was greatly inspired by the book “The End of Poverty” that he went to Ghana personally to learn more regarding the issue. The singer than found the Show Me Campaign, partnering with the Millennium Promise Alliance, not only they started the Poverty Action Tour in universities across US to mobilize people to fight poverty in 2008, they provide safe water points, set up clinics, free meals for school children and distribute mosquito nets to prevent diseases spread through the pest for African villages in need.

Legend also involves in disaster relief campaign such as Tide Loads of Hope and campaigns promoting human rights including The Gentlemen’s Fund.

Cause supported: Poverty, Children, Disaster relief

Source of Information: Look to the stars

Photo Credit:Penn State @Flickr Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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John Legend

John Legend


2013年一曲”All of Me” 榮獲Billboard百大單曲榜榜首,從此令美國流行爵士歌手John Legend名字紅遍全球。出道直今他共榮獲包括奧斯卡金像獎、9 次葛萊美獎、金球獎、東尼獎等國際音樂大獎。

成名後 ,John Legend關心並致力改善發展中地區貧窮問題,他不諱言其行善之心受書籍「The End of Poverty」啟發,過去亦曾親身到訪非洲國家加納,了解貧窮議題的實況。他個人成立了 Show Me Campaign,並與Millennium Promise Alliance合作,在2008年發起Poverty Action Tour,於美國各大學宣傳以及動員民眾參與扶貧工作,亦為非洲有需要有需要的村落提供安全食水、建立診所、分發蚊帳、為學童提供免費飲食等具體支援。同時間,Legend亦參與救災行動組織如 Tide Loads of Hope 以及推廣人權的 The Gentlemen’s Fund。


資料來源: Look to the stars

圖片來源:Penn State @Flickr Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.