HK – AYP Rogaine Charity Race 2020 calls for action I Jan 19

HK – AYP Rogaine Charity Race 2020 calls for action I Jan 19

Organisation: The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP)  

The 14th Rogaine competition (圖出山野慈善賽) is an annual fundraising outdoor orienteering event enables participants to join exciting race and raise fund for local youth development. Go.Asia is proud to be the media partner of this campaign as we believe building resilience and boost endurance are essential qualities for youth enhancement.

Apply by Dec 6 (Fri) for intensive training classes which divided into 3-hour, 6-hour and 24-hour classes, involving the public, corporates, families, the disabled and even overseas participants. Get yourself ready for challenges!

Date: Jan 19 (Sun), 2020

Venue: New Territories North East, Hong Kong

Application: Click Here

Enquiries: 2157 8630

Website: AYP

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

香港- 圖出山野慈善賽2020 現正接受報名 I 1月19日

香港- 圖出山野慈善賽2020 現正接受報名 I 1月19日

Rogaine運動由香港青年獎勵計劃(AYP)自2007年引入香港,並於同年舉辦全港第一個24小時團隊定向比賽。Rogaine的全方位考驗和AYP 同是鼓勵青年人勇於接受新挑戰,發揮潛能,從困難中學習、成長,理念與一直致力支持 亞洲區年青發展的 Go.Asia 不謀而合。今年,Go.Asia 再度成為 Rogaine 定向比賽 媒體伙伴之一,透過支持 Rogaine賽事,讓更多青年人認識AYP,繼續為香港青年創造更多成長機會。

由於賽事沒有指定的路線,參賽隊伍可自由按照自己的能力、愛好,有策略地計劃屬於小隊的參賽路線。參加者可 以2至4人組隊,於 12月6日 (五)或之前報名,以便參加緊接而來的培訓工作坊 ​,課堂共分 3小時、 6小時及 24小時組合, 訓練活動專門為Rogaine運動的初階及中階程度的參加者而設,並適合於有不同程度導航經驗的參加者。整個熱身賽包含了理論與實踐的訓練,好讓新手學習導航知識。

比賽日期: 2020年1月 19日 (星期日)

地點: 香港新界東北區

報名參加 : 按此

查詢電話: 2157 8630

網址: AYP

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.