HER Fund is a registered charitable fund, runs by and for women, founded in 2004 in Hong Kong. They support initiatives that defend and promote women’s rights. They aim to advance local philanthropic support to women’s rights work in Hong Kong through fund-raising, grant-making, capacity building and public education.

HER Fund did a strategic review on our grant-making strategy and effectiveness this year according to the social change. From the past 3 years’ experiences, HER Fund see the need to maintain their support to the less funded and least resourceful women’s initiatives. In order to strategically make grants for bringing greater impact to advance women’s human rights, HER Fund decided to focus our grant-making on the following 4 themes from 2015 to 2018

1)       Freedom from Violence
2)      Freedom from Discrimination
3)      Freedom from Poverty
4)      Promote Women’s Civil Participation

You can find the details of the above 4 themes from “Guide to Application“. Meanwhile, HER Fund also change their grant giving cycle to twice a year. Next grant invitation will be started around mid-year, please browse to HER Fund’s webpage for more details later. The timeline of the coming cycle is as follow:

Application Deadline: 20th January, 2015 (Tuesday)
Grant Announcement Date: On or before 18th March, 2015
Project Starts Date: 1st April, 2015

HER Fund, hereby, invite you to apply the grant for Year 2015 – 16. Soft copy of the funding guidelines and application form are now on HER Fund’s  website: http://www.herfund.org.hk or by contacting us via e-mail: info@herfund.org.hk.

Should you have further query, please feel free to contact HER Fund’s Programme Officer Ms. Judy Kan by 2794-1100 or e-mail:judy.kan@herfund.org.hk.