Organization: Food Grace – Food Recycling Scheme
Introduction: With the mission of “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”, Food Grace is launched by CTU Education Foundation. For the past years, Food Grace has been collecting unsold vegetables and fruits, as well as unsellable but still edible food in the market, and redistribute to the needy in the community. Since its launch in 2009, Food Grace has collected and processed over 150 tons of food and 426,000 people have benefited from the scheme.
Year of Establishment: 2009
Leading Campaigns: The first food recycling green project in HK; Flagship educational activity “Food Recycling Experience Tour”
Service: Persistent vegetables and fruits collecting from market, and providing food assistance service to the needy
Region: Hong Kong ( Taipo, Yuen Long & Tin Shui Wai NT areas)
Source: “Food Grace” website
Food Grace – Food Recycling Scheme