FAIRTASTE is a brand under Fair Taste (HK) Ltd. Fair Taste is a Hong Kong based self sustaining social business devoted to promote Fair Trade, organic products and ethical consumption.
Our world behaves as a collective of dynamic, interconnected systems. Manipulation in one will undoubtedly cause effects to the other. The over-exploitation of resources has made sustainability the watchword of our generation.
FAIRTASTE believe that sustainable development can be achieved by restoring social equity and the environment to equilibrium, and that priority should be given to the essential needs of the world’s poor to create a better and fairer world.
All FAIRTASTE products including Coffee, Tea, Cashew Snacks and Sugar are made by Fair Trade ingredients, which means the marginalized producers could get a stable and more reasonable return and there is greater respect for the environment. The producing stages are mainly based in HK which keep the freshness of the products and also provide local job opportunity.
FAIRTASTE Organic Cashew Brittle, are the outcome of joint collaboration with Wan Chai Social Enterprise “Ground Works”. A group of marginalized women could understand the Fair Trade and Organic idea through utilizing their cookie talent, while consumers could enjoy the healthy taste of ethical snacks. That’s what FAIRTASTE means.
Address:Unit 05, 11/F Wing Hang Industrial Building, 13-29 Kwai Hei Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Phone: (+852) 2805 2336
Fax: (+852) 2805 2118
Email: info@fairtaste.com.hk