FAIR CIRCLE is Hong Kong Fair Trade Power (HKFTP)’s retail arm and its product brand. HKFTP is a social enterprise established in 2005, with a mission to advocate fair trade in Hong Kong and the Greater China. HKFTP is solely owned by the non-profit “Fair Trade Power”, which is led by a managing board. It adheres to the principles of transparency and accountability in operation, promotes fair trade products, and strengthens consumers’ understanding of the idea of fair trade.
Protect workers and farmers:Ensure a fair return for producers, and build stable and sustainable trading partnerships for their livelihood
Reciprocal collaboration:Foster collaborations between producers and consumers to enhance mutual help and mutual benefit.
Responsible consumption: Raise consumer awareness of social and environmental issues through advocating ethical consumption, and their understanding that consumption could make a difference.
Advocacy and Education: Through media interviews, exhibitions, pamphlets, and outreach to schools, universities, churches and institutions with seminars and workshops, HKFTP promotes fair trade with the goal of bringing the practice to everyday lives and making Hong Kong a Fair Trade city.
Establish production partnerships:HKFTP visits and identifies production partners in numerous Asian countries, understands their needs, and offers assistance in product design, technical and management support. HKFTP rebuilds the link between consumers and producers, bringing about a mutual understanding of the two parties.
Sales and distribution: Via its retail stores FAIR CIRCLE in Kowloon and on the Hong Kong Island, as well as online shop, promotion fairs and sales partners, HKFTP makes available a wide variety of fair trade products for consumers.
FAIR CIRCLE’s products range fair trade food products to handicrafts elaborately made by farmers /women. On the products, not only share the product information but also stories of producers.
FAIR CIRCLE @ Hong Kong Fair Trade Power Ltd.
Office: 2G, Metex House, 28 Fui Yiu Kok Street, Tsuen Wan, HK
Tel︰(852) 3188-8064 Fax : ( 852)3188-0064
Facebook group:FAIR CIRCLE
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/FAIRCIRCLE
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/faircircle
Website: www.hkfairtradepower.com
Online Shop: shop@hkfairtradepower.com
Shop no. 7, G/F Breakthrough Centre, 191 Woo Sung Street, Jordan, Kowloon (Jordan MTR Exit C2)
Opening Hours:12:00noon – 8:00pm ( Mon – Sun )
Shop 216, 2/F., Olympia Plaza,, 255 King’s Road, North Point, H.K. (Fortress Hill MTR B Exit)
Opening Hours:11:00noon – 8:00pm ( Mon – Sun )
Source: Hong Kong Fair Trade Power Ltd