
很多亞洲人平日喜歡食「住家菜」,尤其臨近冬至、新年,自然希望與家人享用溫馨團年飯。各位家庭煮婦/夫自然明白下廚時「一眼關七」的重要,但對視障者而言,烹飪不是有心就能事成,反而是一項頗危險的活動。幸而,新加坡一位有愛青年設計師Kevin Chiam ,他在參與新加坡視障協會(SAVH)義務工作時發現,與會中的視障者Rosie Wong手上留有很多傷痕,知悉這類傷痕在視障者身上往往屢見不鮮,因為大部分視障者只靠「聲音」及「觸摸」來烹調料理,往往無法確認工具或食物的位置而遭切傷或燙傷。
身為產品設計師的Kevin ,向來希望自己的設計能幫助人與環境互補交流 ,故透過研究觀察,與視障人士交流後,他明白視障人士下廚時的主要障礙是應付「觸感上的困難」(如器皿冷熱相關引致的燙傷、不慎接觸銳利工具所導致的刀傷,及明火煮食造成的燒傷等),故經過多月反覆試驗後,設計出名為「FOLKS」的廚具系列,包括廚房用刀、切菜板、煲蓋及煮食爐環等五件輔具,希望為視障人士在煮食時添加安全感,在享受烹飪樂趣之餘,更重要是帶出 一種平等精神,重拾他們的信心, 令更多視障者有機會成為如第三季《Master Chef》 冠軍的 Christine Ha一樣,在飲食界創出一片天。

他解釋,他在廚具中巧妙加入一些具導熱功能的防熱墊或間隔,作為給視障者的提示,如可伸縮防護裝置的刀子,能阻擋刀片直接接觸到手指,避免用者遭刀割傷; 在切菜板側位置增加了食物收集盤,方便用者將切好的食材分類,待將食物移至熱鍋時不會倒得亂七八糟;其餘包括爐墊及匙墊等能預防常見的燙傷,還有這些輔具均可分拆取出,易於清潔。

Kevin 表示自己曾戴上眼罩模擬視障者烹飪的過程,以第一身了解他們的感受及需求,難怪其細心及精巧設計助他蠃得 2018年 James Dyson Award 。他希望來年能憑獎金 及與新加坡的社會組織 Project Dignity合作,或配合眾籌計劃等,將這個系列作進一部生產,以造福當地或亞洲區更多視障人士。


channel news asia

Kevin Chiam website

James Dyson Awards

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Design with LOVE: Singaporean young man creates FOLKS kitchenware for the blind

Design with LOVE: Singaporean young man creates FOLKS kitchenware for the blind
While volunteering at the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH), a Singaporean design student Kevin Chiam was puzzled by the numerous scars on the hands and arms of one of its members, Ms Rosie Wong.
“I realised that cooking was one of the more challenging tasks (for them) … There’s this fear of getting cut, injured or scalded by hot water or hot surfaces.”
Through months of  interviews and observations to better understand users’ pain points, he found cooking is challenging for the blind due to the lack of sensory references, they have to cope with the uncertainties of spills or injuries like knife cuts or burns. To overcome the steep learning curve, his Folks kitchenware collection aims to leverage on natural, sensory feedback and tactile cues such that they can prepare food safely with confidence and dignity.

For example, he designed a special set of kitchen utensils  including a knife, a chopping board and a stove ring to  help them gain tool confidence,
a retractable guard on the knife serves as a physical anchor and guides the fingers to avoid direct blade contact. It also allows the blind to clean off any food that is stuck on the blade with a simple trigger. Chopping Board The side tray, which pegs freely on the sides of the board, acts as an extension of the hand to gather and efficiently transfer ingredients with less spillage. Teaspoon Used in any cup or mug, the spoon’s integrated buoy floats when liquid is added to lower the risk of scalds or burns.

FOLKS kitchenware draft

Kevin Chiam wishes his design can serve as a conversation between people and the encompassing environment.

As a winner of the James Dyson Award 2018, Kevin starts thinking bigger and looks forward to optimising those products for a small scale production and launch the collection through social organisations like Project Dignity in Singapore.

Source of Information:

channel news asia

Kevin Chiam website

James Dyson Awards

Photo Source: Kevin Chiam website

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.