Organization: RunOurCity

Nature: Charity trail race

Date of race: 17 October 2015 (Saturday)

Registration deadline: 5 August 2015

Details: Host by RunOurCity and sponsored by Convoy Financial Group, TOTEM RUN 2015 will be held on 17 October. As an annual charity trail running event and a big, colourful party, TOTEM RUN now calls for runners of every tribe to compete while lending a helping hand to those in need.

TOTEM RUN will be supporting Youth.ROC for their life-changing, long-distance running training, and Hong Kong Unison for their efforts to achieve racial inclusion and equal rights to education. It is a manifestation of care and love from runners to the world.

TOTEM RUN features colourful totems to represent different tribes of the world in harmony with nature. They also denote the challenges faced by runners as they scurry through the wild, taking in nature with their senses, feeling the colours, harmony and richness of nature.

The race consists of three courses: 16km TASTE WITH THE WILD, 16km CHILL WITH THE WILD and 57km FIGHT WITH THE WILD (To view the details please click here). Along the way you will receive totem gifts and guerilla support. A Totem Party awaits at the Finish where Wild Runners can celebrate with music and tasty food.

Category Registration Fee (Enjoy early bird discounts by signing up before 13 July!)
57 km Fight With The WildStarting point: Pak Tam ChungFinishing point:Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Solo HK$ 850* | Team of 2 HK$ 1,700* | Team of 4 HK$ 3,400*  (Early Bird Discount on or before July 13)Solo HK$ 950* | Team of 2 HK$ 1,900* | Team of 4 HK$ 3,800*  (July 14 to August 5)* Including HK$ 500 minimum donation (per runner). Tax-deductible receipt will be distributed during the Race Pack Pick-up Period.
16 km Chill With The WildStarting point: Shing Mun Reservoir Main DamFinishing point: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Solo HK$ 750* | Team of 2 HK$ 1,500* | Team of 4 HK$ 3,000*  (Early Bird Discount on or before July 13)Solo HK$ 850* | Team of 2 HK$ 1,700* | Team of 4 HK$ 3,400*  (July 14 to August 5)* Including HK$ 500 minimum donation (per runner). Tax-deductible receipt will be distributed during the Race Pack Pick-up Period.
16 km Taste With The WildStarting point: Shing Mun Reservoir Main DamFinishing point: Tai Mo Shan Rotary Park Team of 2 HK$ 900* | Team of 3 HK$ 1,100* | Team of 4 HK$ 1,300*    ( Early Bird Discount on or Before July 13)Team of 2 HK$ 1,000* |Team of 3 HK$ 1,250* | Team of 4 HK$ 1,500*    (July 14 to August 5)* Including HK$ 500 minimum donation (per team). Tax-deductible receipt will be distributed during the Race Pack Pick-up Period.

Note: Tax-deductible receipt will be distributed to runners during race pack pickup.



RunOurCity believes that marathon races are not solely for the enjoyment of runners, but also a channel to help young people and the community, as well as a platform that radiates a greater love and creativity in the community. For this reason, RunOurCity is organizing its first STREETATHON on 23 March 2014, running into the streets and alleys of Kowloon East while raising funds for Youth Street-run Program and various charitable organizations in Kowloon East.

Through TOTEM RUN, RunOurCity aims to raise funds for Youth・ROC and expand it to 400 secondary schools in Hong Kong, so that running can become part of their lives and help them change to the better.


Should you have any enquiries, please contact:

Sally To/ Amy Lee

Tel. 2893 9800 / 2893 8799

E-mail: /


Source: Convoy Totem Run 2015