The World’s Largest Ocean Cleanup in History has officially begun

The World’s Largest Ocean Cleanup in History has officially begun

As remembered we introduced about 21-year-old Boyan Slat launched his first prototype of the World’s Largest Ocean Cleanup in 2016?  Yes,  the CEO and founder of The Ocean Cleanup once said “This is a historic day on the path toward clean oceans. A successful outcome of this test should put us on track to deploy the first operational pilot system in late 2017.” In 2018, the day has finally come. On September 8th, the Ocean Cleanup launched the first of many massive plastic-cleaning arrays into the Pacific Ocean.

Boyan Slat is giving detailed explanations on the specificities of the first cleanup system.

After 5 years of research, engineering and testing, the world’s first ocean cleanup system(“System 001”) from San Francisco Bay, marking the start of the cleanup. The system is now on its way to an intermediary test stop, 250-350 nautical miles offshore for a 2-week trial before continuing its journey toward the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, 1,200 nautical miles offshore, to start the cleanup.

The Ocean Cleanup is a non-profit organization, developing advanced technologies to rid the world’s oceans of plastic. The Dutch foundation developing advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic, unveiled its North Sea prototype in June 2016.

The snake-like ocean barrier is made out of vulcanised rubber and works by harnessing sea currents to passively funnel floating rubbish – often just millimetres wide – into a cone. A cable sub-system will anchor the structure at depths of up to 4,500 metres – almost twice as far down as has even been done before – keeping it in place so it can trap the rubbish for periodic collection by boats.

By utilising the ocean currents to our advantage, the passive drifting systems are estimated to clean up half the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 5 years’ time.

Source: EcoWatch, The Ocean CleanupThe Guardian

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史上最長、全球最強 「海洋吸塵器」The Ocean Cleanup 9 月正式啟航

史上最長、全球最強 「海洋吸塵器」The Ocean Cleanup  9 月正式啟航

還記得我們曾介紹過的荷蘭青年創業家Boyan Slat嗎?他早於16 歲時的學校課堂便想打造一個協助清理海洋垃圾的大型工具,大學時成立The Ocean Cleanup 團隊,著手研究及設計一條號稱史上最長的巨型攔截索來搜集垃圾, 2016年,初步嘗試應用pilot system。前後經歷了5年的嘗試、失敗與重來, 2018年 9月The Ocean Cleanup終於正式推出全球首個海洋清潔系統 ,名為System 001,於三藩市為起點,為太平洋帶提供海洋垃圾堵截服務。

The Ocean Cleanup CEO 兼創辦人Boyan Slat 向傳媒細心解釋有關System 001的設計及執行內容。

System 001在9月初已驅往中期測試站,約在離岸250-350海哩 進行為期2週的試驗,稍後後便繼續前往離岸約 1200海哩的大太平洋垃圾帶,開展清理任務。System 001為一 個 全長 600米(2000英尺)的U形浮動屏障,估計加上海洋水流發揮其優勢,他估計五年内就能清理太平洋垃圾帶50%的垃圾,而且還能把回收塑膠再利用。

成立於2013年的 The Ocean Cleanup是來自荷蘭的非牟利組織,志在透過開發先進技術以消除全球海洋的塑料污染物。The Ocean Cleanup由成立至2016年推出首個Pilot system,前後共花了三年時間進行量資料搜集、分析及研究,以得出不同設計方案。由於涉及經費鉅大,Boyan Slat期間亦四出主講其理念 及招募贊助支持,隨著團隊日漸壯大 ( 現有成員約70人),及推出首個System 001於太平洋帶服務,可謂努力堅持下的成果, The Ocean Cleanup的下一個里程是於2020年或之前完成全球scale up,繼續為海洋獻出寶貴力量。

資料來源:  The Ocean Cleanup,

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Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.