Botanical Bodycare

Botanical Bodycare

Using natural handcrafted soap does not only protect our skin, but also protect our environment at the same time.

We can be absolutely sure that the soap we use is safe and we know what is inside the product. All the soaps in Botanical Bodycare meet these strict minimum requirements: No soap contains petroleum or artificial colors, no soap is tested on animals, no foaming agents added. There is no sodium, sodium cocoate, sodium laurel sulfate or any other harsh chemicals. Our soap is free of detergents.

Botanical Bodycare’s products are all locally manufactured with regular quality check, which ensure to minimize the carbon footprint that created throughout their supply chain as well as to ensure the quality of their products. They love to interact with customers and to share their GREEN ideas with them. If you want to know more about them, apart from visiting their website, you may also find them at Mei Foo Farmer Market on every Sunday.

Address:Mei Foo Farmer Market (Only on Sunday)
Phone:2479 7033

Source:  Botanical Bodycare facebook唔幫襯地產商的聖誕 facebook
Image:  Botanical Bodycare facebook 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.

Botanical Bodycare

Botanical Bodycare

Botanical Bodycare 是以自然為本, 香港製造的潔膚、護膚品牌。我們希望推動環保的消費模式, 提倡減少化學品污染身體, 減少包裝和浪費。

加一份天然原料、一份心意、一份呵護。手工皂液和手工皂中的主要採用天然原料。 純手工製造,並不使用皂基。我們反複試驗, 用心研製產品配方, 呵護不同類型肌膚髮質。

減一分化學品、一分傷害、一分污染。市場主要銷售加入合成洗劑與防腐劑的商業製的沐浴露、洗手液。 依賴人造色素、香料及以化學品營造大量泡沫。 過量化學品傷害身體,污染環境。

產品由本地工作坊生產, 經廠商會檢定中心測試符合安全標準。 手工皂無須長途運送及貯存。 比外國進口的皂液減省因運輸引起的碳足跡(carbon footprint)。

電話  :  2479 7033

資料來源:   Botanical Bodycare facebook唔幫襯地產商的聖誕 facebook
圖片: Botanical Bodycare facebook 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.