Organisation: SPCA (HK)

Background: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Hong Kong) was established in 1921. We are the longest-standing charity in Hong Kong devoted to animal welfare. The SPCA is committed to providing services such as the 24-hour animal rescue and emergency hotline, cruelty investigation, adoption services, community education and a range of animal welfare programmes.

Details: To echo World Animal Day* on Sunday, 4 October 2015, the SPCA is introducing Hong Kong’s inaugural Aniform Day to promote acceptance of and respect for all animals in Hong Kong. You can participate and show your support by wearing your favourite animal-graphic clothing and/or accessories. Donate $100 or above to the SPCA via this event and you will receive a special limited edition Aniform Day bracelet. If you are required to wear uniform that day, you can still be part of the action and show your support by wearing our special limited bracelet.

Duration: Sep – Oct 2015

Website: Aniform Day 2015

Enquiriy: Ms Yin / Ms Yeung

Online Enrolment: Click Here

Nature: Fundraising

Region: HK

Photo & Source of Information: Aniform Day 2015