Go.Asia is a platform under DotAsia Foundation (IRD 91/12820) that aims to support social innovation and charitable projects in order to push forward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across Asia. Go.Asia has successfully brought Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution and United Nations’ anti-food waste program to Hong Kong and has raised awareness across the region. Both initiatives promote using individual efforts to create positive changes to the society. “Think.Cook.Save.” is Go.Asia first school and community food & health education program focused on delivering talks and cooking demonstrations to school kids which helps to promote 13 SDGs out of the total 17 goals.
Through the Go.Asia online platform we hope to connect and unite netizens across Asia, bringing action to ideas of change for the better. We hope to inspire and be inspired by charity groups, celebrities, the ordinary person and their extraordinary stories.
Go.Asia comprises shared information and materials related to the development of volunteer service, charitable organization and projects across Asia. It also serves as a communications hub for individuals or Group VOLUNTEERS, NGOs, CHARITABLE Organization and Community Projects across Asia.

Go.Asia cares about:
• Encourage and recruit individuals from all ages, backgrounds to participate in voluntary work
• Inform volunteers, charitable organizations, celebrities about volunteer opportunities and work experience;
• Cooperating with educational and business institutions, all industries and charitable organizations in promoting different types of community projects, volunteer service programs and initiatives.
Go.Asia aspires to bring together volunteers:
• to provide disaster relief and aid disaster victims;
• to protect animal rights, to respect life and protect the environment;
• to protect the welfare of children, at-risk youth, and the elderly;
• to assist the less-privileged and the needy.
Other DotAsia charitable projects: