“.Asia” is the official Internet name space from Asia, for Asia.
Every “.Asia” domain supports DotAsia Organisation’s mission to promote Internet development for a collaborative Asia. Your “.Asia” domain registration funds community initiatives for digital mobility, empowering young Asians setting out to change the world. The use of your “.Asia” domains endorses our vision of connecting Asia with one domain.
Make your move, get your own .Asia domain. Rise with Asia.
Youth is our future, and our present. The Internet intensified global opportunities and new challenges for social mobility. DotAsia supports platforms for youth development and bringing action to ideas of change for the better. The .Asia domain is a canvas for young Asian change makers.
The Internet transformed time and space. DotAsia advances a multistakeholder approach to governance of Internet’s technical environment, as well as governance on the Internet such as privacy and digital inclusion. The .Asia domain is a creative space for social innovations transcending borders.
From tigers as a symbol for sustainability in Asia, to food waste and health, DotAsia advocates the Internet impact on sustainable development: people, planet, profit, and policies for partnership and peace. The .Asia domain is a hub for social entrepreneurship, responsible businesses and regional collaboration.
DotAsia Foundation Limited was confirmed “being a charitable institution or trust of a public character, is exempt from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance” since February 2014.
Every “.Asia” domain contributes to the development of the Internet in Asia. To register a “.Asia” domain, you can visit: http://www.domains.asia to choose an .Asia accredited partner to register your .Asia domain.
If you wish to know more about DotAsia Organisation, please click here