

Name of Organisation: WaterAid

Details: WaterAid is an international not-for-profit making organisation firstly set up in 1981 in UK as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation decade , aiming to provide clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere.

In 2010, WaterAid became a global federation of national member organisations. So far, WaterAid has seven members, including Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the US. Each member organisation mobilises support in its home country, engaging individuals, companies and institutions across totally 37 countries in Africa, America, Asia and Europe to raise funds and influence policies to support WaterAid’s mission with 4 major principles:

Principle 1: Global interest. Achieving WaterAid’s mission as effectively as possible is fundamental to all we do and global interest is paramount.

Principle 2: Subsidiarity. WaterAid international will only undertake activities that it can and will deliver more effectively than WaterAid member countries.

Principle 3: One country, one WaterAid. WaterAid will only have one delivery organisation in each of the regions or countries where services are provided.

Principle 4: Sustainability. The members of the WaterAid federation will be organisations that are, or are expected to become within a reasonable time-frame, self-sustaining and able to contribute significant resources to the delivery of WaterAid’s strategy.

On the other hand, global news about water, sanitation and hygiene are being updated on WashWatch  for education purpose & integrated sharing. Given that we’re living in the abundant world, according to WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP), 844 million people don’t have clean water, 2.3 billion people don’t have a decent toilet. One in nine people around the world do not have access to clean water close to home, and 60% of the world’s population lives in areas of water stress, where the water supply cannot or will not continue to meet demand.

Year of Establishment: 1981

Regions: Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Sweden, the UK and the US

Website: Click Here(Global)

Source of Information: WateraidWashWatch 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.



組織名稱: WaterAid

詳情: WaterAid(水救援)為國際性非牟利組織,於1981年 嚮應聯合國(the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation decade)「聯合國國際飲用水與衛生十年」(1981-1990)計劃而在英國成立 , 志在於全球各地 推動提供清潔飲用水、環境衛生及個人衛生三大目標。

2010 年,WaterAid 發展成全球聯會組織,目前共有七大成員國,包括澳洲、加拿大,印度,日本,瑞典,英國和美國,以協助動員及支援轄下的成員組織,讓遍佈歐、美、非及亞洲,共來自37個國家的單位參與茜中,以籌款及推動政策等方式支持 WaterAid 項目。WaterAid 成員需肩負 4 大原則:

Principle 1: 在顧及全球利益情況下,有效實現WaterAid的三大使命。

Principle 2: WaterAid International 全程只會擔任輔助角色 ,務求讓WaterAid成員國在開展項目時更靈活有效。

Principle 3:  WaterAid在每個提供服務的地區或國家只會委託一個交付組織作統籌工作。

Principle 4:  實行可持續發展。 期望 WaterAid全球聯會成員能夠或在預期時間內,能妥善維持其組織營運,並能為WaterAid 提供策略性建議及資源。

另外,WaterAid  會透過 WashWatch 不斷更新有關水資源,環境衛生及個人衛生的全球資訊,以供教育和綜合分享之用。據世衛組織/聯合國兒童基金會聯合監測計劃(JMP)最新資料顯示,儘管我們現生活於物質豐富的世界,全球仍有 8.4億人缺潔淨水可用,約23億人生活在一個沒有理想衛生間的環境。全球1/9 的人在家附近無法獲得乾淨食水,約 6成人仍生活在水供應不足以 滿足日常需求的地區。因此,全國各地仍 利用 每年 3月22日的世界食水日,以不同方式宣揚潔淨食 與 衛生的重要,為地球可持續發展而努力。

成立年份: 1981年

地區: 澳洲, 加拿大, 印度, 日本, 瑞典, 英國 及美國

網址: 按此(只設英文版)

圖片及資料來源: WateraidWashWatch 

About Go.Asia


Go.Asia is a charitable initiative that aims to improve society through collective and individual efforts. Go.Asia contains helpful information on possible ways to enrich your life and the lives of those around you through acts of kindness, compassion, generosity and goodwill.