Organisation: DotAsia Organisation Ltd

Background & Detail:

“Ajitora Future-Friendly Education Program” as organized by DotAsia Foundation aims to promote the mission on doubling tigers, eco-system conservation, and the importance of sustainable development with Ajitora who is the official ambassador of Tx2 (‪#‎doubletigers‬) campaign. Tx2 is a worldwide collaborative effort, supported by WWF, Global Tiger Forum (GTF) and TRAFFIC and the 13 Tiger Range Countries across Asia.

The United Nations (UN) developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2016-2030 global agenda. Our program consolidated the comprehensive goals into 4 education modules covering different aspects. Through the interactive learning from seminars and workshops, we hope to inspire our next generation to create social impact for a better world and future together.

Enrollment Form:


Region: Hong Kong

Nature: Education / Sustainability/ Charity

Source of Information: